How to Encourage Your Child to Love Learning

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Ultimately, we want our kids to love to learn. A passion for learning is quite different from just studying to earn a grade or to please parents or teachers. Those who develop a love of learning at an early age continue the process throughout their lives and are generally more successful, interesting, and happier than those who don’t.


  1. Talk with your child about the things you read and hear, especially the things you find interesting.
  2. Ask your kids how they feel about various issues (current events, relationships, values). Allow them to have opinions without passing judgment. Ask your children to help you understand why they feel the way they do.
  3. Pursue your own hobbies and interests. Share these with your child, but do not require that he or she follow your pursuits.
  4. Encourage your kids to have interests of their own. If they show curiosity about a hobby, area of study, sport, or instrument, encourage and support them in any way your finances allow.
  5. Read books. Read on your own, which sets a good example. Read to your kids, to get them hooked on books.
  6. Expose your child to a wide variety of experiences including music, plays, sports, museums, travel, reading, dance, games, food, puzzles, ethnic activities, etc. One never knows how what exposure may influence future life choices.
  7. Play “thinking games” with your kids. These are games where there is not just one answer. Scrabble and chess are examples. Emphasize the value of thoughtful moves rather than the importance of winning.
  8. Remember that you are your child’s best teacher. School, educational games and television, and a shelf full of books all can’t accomplish what you can in the education of your child. It doesn’t take much effort to inspire a child’s brain in the everyday world – the place where they need it the most. Here are a few simple things you can do to engage your child: count the number of houses, black cars, bicycles, etc. that you pass as you drive; search for letters, numbers, or colors on the restaurant menu; when you are going to use a gum-ball machine, hold out a handful of coins and explain the differences, and that the machine will only take the quarter (then let your child pick out a quarter and put it in the machine – they love this!).
  9. Provide your child with free time. Children need plenty of free time to discover and explore. Don’t jam pack your schedule with errands and activities. Give your child time for free play, day dreaming and roaming around in the back yard.
  10. Start sooner, rather than later. Fostering independence in your child is very important for their brain development and how they feel about learning. Sometimes, activities seem too difficult for your child only because you haven’t encouraged them to do it yet. For example, things like peeling their own banana, picking out which shirt to wear, and feeding the family cat, are all things that a young toddler can do. Letting your child do things like this makes them feel more in control of their world, which in turn inspires them toward bigger and better exploits. When the world is in your hands, you want to do something with it, don’t you?
  11. Let them know that school is important by being supportive of the school. Attend school functions, volunteer in the classroom if possible, and communicate with the teacher. Ask the teacher what you can do to help your child.


  • If you demonstrate excitement about learning and are open to your children pursuing their own interest areas, it will be hard for them to resist the opportunities.
  • Explain to your child why he or she is learning, and how it will be worthwhile (e.g. learning multiplication tables)
  • Leave interesting books and materials lying around for your child to explore.
  • Keep it fun….not stressful.


  • Try not to go overboard about grades. If your child makes a low grade, don’t scream and yell, but instead show them what they did wrong and help them understand. For good grades, don’t buy big, expensive things to celebrate (at least not all the time). Your child will feel pressured/persuaded to do well and will dread low grades. Giving too many rewards also encourages bad habits and manners, such as bragging, and can lead to complexes (such as fear of failure). Understand that not all children will get A’s and B’s and that C’s are OKAY and considered good, as C’s are average.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world’s largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Encourage Your Child to Love Learning. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Be Self Learning

How to Be Self Learning

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

These days, if you want to learn something, get a teacher. But you have to pay a cost and these costs are expensive. To be self learning is just great!!!


  1. In order to be motivated, make sure you really want to learn something. If you do not want to learn for learning’s sake, become clear about the reason why you want to learn something and try to imagine how it is, when your learning was successful. Maybe you’ll find out, that you don’t want to learn that thing, so at least you can save some time. If you don’t really want to learn it, the time spent on trying to learn it will be mostly wasted.
  2. Take a look at the information you have at the moment: does it provide you enough stuff to learn? If so, start learning, else gather at least as much information as you need to begin learning. Some people may like it more if they have all the information they want to learn, but it is also possible, that you become discouraged by too much information, so find out how you feel most comfortable.
  3. As said above, start learning. If possible, do experimental stuff first, because it helps you to get into the topic. Physicists for example often try to explain why something works like they’ve seen in the experiment, so it would be good if you can do the experiment on your own, make a thought-experiment or get a video of that experiment. Although in some fields like mathematics concrete examples may lead off-road, in most cases it will help you to understand what’s that stuff all about. It’s not beneficial to learn some formulae, statistics or dates if you can not imagine what they describe.
  4. If there is anything you can practice, maybe if you try to learn dancing some steps or in school exercises just do them. Albeit it may be tempting to rush through them, for somebody inexperienced it is better to do the exercises in a moderate pace and careful. This prevents sloppy technique or bad habits, which are much harder to correct than small mistakes at the beginning.
  5. Get more experienced people to judge you. Beside they can correct your mistakes, they – maybe even more important – can tell you when you are already doing something well, which can be very motivating.
  6. Gather knowledge. One of the most common mistakes is that people concentrate either on the practical or on the theoretical aspects of something. This only leads to stereotypes like the stupid sportsman or the nonathletic nerd. However, it is also very ineffective, because you probably don’t use your whole brain, but only the left side or the motoric part. Having an open mind also helps to see connections to things you already like, thus increasing comprehension and motivation.
  7. Throw time at it. The best learning strategy doesn’t help, if you don’t spend a decent amount of time in it. According to the topic it even may be enough just to spend everyday half an hour on some exercises or texts. Special learning techniques can make learning easier, but they still require work done by you.
  8. Organize your learning. At the end of a session look what you accomplished and prepare the next session with some questions or tasks, so the next time you only need to start working on the topic, which decreases the risk of procrastination.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world’s largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Be Self Learning. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Resolve Classroom Management Issues

How to Resolve Classroom Management Issues
from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Unlike a teacher training focus of many universities, few teachers find their day devoted to content. Many teachers find much of their time devoted to classroom management.
As times change, the type of student in any given classroom changes. More teachers report needing help with students who are non-compliant and verbally abusive to both peers and adults. Your training may not have given you the prevention and intervention tools you need to stop the extreme misbehavior that you may be coping with on a daily basis. Here are a few of the most important elements to help you in putting an end to your classroom management nightmare.


    • Stop using one-size-fits-all methods and start using specific, and individualized methods. Just like adults, students can be complex. The same intervention may play out very differently from one student to the next. It is absolutely critical that you have a wide variety of methods to draw upon to manage each situation. It’s not about which methods you personally want to use, it’s about the best method for each student. Example strategy:Not every student understands how to be quiet in class, and much less motivated to do so. Don’t just state the rules or expectations, help students establish a habit of meeting expectations. Teach your students that “when the hand goes up, the mouth goes shut”. Apply a tailored “intervention” that involves the class as a whole. This will often work well with non-compliant, distracted, ADHD, and defiant students because it is so much fun — especially for the student who gets to lead the intervention.
    • Teach school skills and focus on motivation. Giving rules to students who lack the skills and motivation to comply is ineffective. Contemporary children must be taught the nuts-and-bolts of the target behaviors. They also need to be convinced that education matters. Otherwise, rules and consequences will fail to elicit the desired behaviors from students who have no inclination to comply.
    • Avoid outdated techniques. Use methods that fit contemporary students and contemporary problems. Years ago, you might have had a small number of unmanageable students. Now, it is common to expect as much as 14% of mainstream students to be classroom management nightmares. Don’t use old-style methods to manage today’s severely unmanageable students. Learn about conduct disorders, and your most misbehaved, contemporary student.
    • Interact with the parents. If you find your daily resources drained on primarily a few students with behavioral problems, consult their parents. You don’t need to put off meeting their parents until parent/teacher conference day. Contact them as soon as possible and arrange for a convenient time to discuss their child’s behavior and/or needs. Be polite, be respectful, but be direct with the parents. Ask for their guidance and request ideas to address their child’s behavior problems. If the child’s parents are willing to help or at least cooperate, the experience may liberate a drain on your resources.



  • Never issue a threat you cannot or will not carry out.
  • Be scrupulously fair and consistent in your response.
  • Never lose your temper. You are the adult and you must behave accordingly at all times.
  • Don’t fire your big guns until the last moment. Have a set of responses which build up in their severity. Try to resolve the behaviour yourself first and only bring in your line manager when your sanctions have failed.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

  • Youth Change resource site Article originally excerpted with permission. Link required for article reprint permission per owner copyright.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world’s largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Resolve Classroom Management Issues. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Nellaiappan’s Column-8: "Rotten Onion Concept"

One rotten onion can spoil an entire sack of onions. That’s why vendors when they store onions in bulk, carefully search for rotten onions or ‘about to go rotten’ onions, hand pick and separate them from the lot. Thereby the good onions are saved. Here is some thing for us to learn.

In every organization and institution a few such rotten onions always exist along with efficient and loyal lot. If allowed, they could spoil the entire team. The first step in team-building in my opinion is to identify such rotten onions and isolate them from the main stream.

Presence of rotten onions may be due to the climate prevailing inside the organization such as nepotism, lack of growth potential for the individuals, monotony of work, lack of role for individuals in decision making and so on.

We cannot fire them just like that for non-performance. Mending or sending comes only after isolating and putting them in less important or less sensitive area. On the pretext of humanitarian considerations, one need not tolerate disobedience or poor performance. It is contagious.

But there is a major difference between rotten onions and the troublesome people. Most of the members can be mended and made efficient whereas the rotten onions cannot.

I should tell you how I handled a trouble maker in one of my earlier assignments. There the trouble was in the form of a senior operator. He was very talkative and that was the problem. He was one among the ten in the synthetic section of that chemical manufacturing unit. Moreover they were coming in shifts.

As the production was done in batches, the work distribution was not uniform throughout the shift. The work was not continuous for all the 8 hours and different for all the ten at any given point of time.

Our operator was good in mimicry and mono acting and used to start some thing interesting during the shift in a loud voice which made all the workmen to surround him and it invariably ended with some quarrel among them. Ultimately it resulted in loss of productivity.

When I became the synthetic section in-charge the first thing I did was transferring him to extraction section where he has to work alone. He was protesting it at the beginning but there was no option for him.

Slowly he settled in his new work and to everybody’s surprise, he started suggesting modifications in material handling and operational simplification because of his creativeness and loneliness. He became one of our best operators and I recommended a promotion for him. That made us to search for untapped potential within the company.

Every successful Business Corporate injects new blood into their organization to sustain speed and growth. There the reverse of the rotten onion concept has to be applied. Protecting the new young ones from the clutches of the existing old timers is the issue there.

After going through this article my wife said, “Now I understand why they have given you a cabin in your office. I think your management is already aware of this rotten onion concept.”

Nellaiappan’s Column-8: "Rotten Onion Concept"

One rotten onion can spoil an entire sack of onions. That’s why vendors when they store onions in bulk, carefully search for rotten onions or ‘about to go rotten’ onions, hand pick and separate them from the lot. Thereby the good onions are saved. Here is some thing for us to learn.

In every organization and institution a few such rotten onions always exist along with efficient and loyal lot. If allowed, they could spoil the entire team. The first step in team-building in my opinion is to identify such rotten onions and isolate them from the main stream.

Presence of rotten onions may be due to the climate prevailing inside the organization such as nepotism, lack of growth potential for the individuals, monotony of work, lack of role for individuals in decision making and so on.

We cannot fire them just like that for non-performance. Mending or sending comes only after isolating and putting them in less important or less sensitive area. On the pretext of humanitarian considerations, one need not tolerate disobedience or poor performance. It is contagious.

But there is a major difference between rotten onions and the troublesome people. Most of the members can be mended and made efficient whereas the rotten onions cannot.

I should tell you how I handled a trouble maker in one of my earlier assignments. There the trouble was in the form of a senior operator. He was very talkative and that was the problem. He was one among the ten in the synthetic section of that chemical manufacturing unit. Moreover they were coming in shifts.

As the production was done in batches, the work distribution was not uniform throughout the shift. The work was not continuous for all the 8 hours and different for all the ten at any given point of time.

Our operator was good in mimicry and mono acting and used to start some thing interesting during the shift in a loud voice which made all the workmen to surround him and it invariably ended with some quarrel among them. Ultimately it resulted in loss of productivity.

When I became the synthetic section in-charge the first thing I did was transferring him to extraction section where he has to work alone. He was protesting it at the beginning but there was no option for him.

Slowly he settled in his new work and to everybody’s surprise, he started suggesting modifications in material handling and operational simplification because of his creativeness and loneliness. He became one of our best operators and I recommended a promotion for him. That made us to search for untapped potential within the company.

Every successful Business Corporate injects new blood into their organization to sustain speed and growth. There the reverse of the rotten onion concept has to be applied. Protecting the new young ones from the clutches of the existing old timers is the issue there.

After going through this article my wife said, “Now I understand why they have given you a cabin in your office. I think your management is already aware of this rotten onion concept.”

S&T Watch-29: "Water-propelled cars"

It may not be long before cars will be running on the Indian roads literally on water! Sounds amazing, but the senior researcher of the central government’s Energy Resources Development Agency (ERDA), Vadodara, G.S. Grewal, believes that it could become a reality in a maximum of two decades or even earlier.

The ERDA has already developed techniques for using hydrogen gas, available in abundance from water, as fuel to run cars and other uses to meet the world’s energy crisis likely to arise from the diminishing fossil fuels. Based on the indigenous technology, the system developed by the ERDA for the generation of hydrogen gas would cost just about Rs.three per kilo watt per hour as against Rs.9.3 required for the creation from diesel.

Dr.Grewal said the technology to use hydrogen as fuel for static installations had been fully developed and the ERDA was ready for commercial production,but the technology for using it in moving vehicles could still take some time in developing suitable containers to store gas. Pointing out that storing hydrogen in gaseous or liquid forms would be unviable, he said the ERDA had developed a magnesium-based alloy to use as hydrogen container in solid state,but was yet find an answer to the problem if explosion in the event of even a minor collision in which the hydrogen cylinder could explode like a lethal bomb destroying everything in the range of 200 to 500 meters.

Similar researches was going on the world-over to use hydrogen as an alternative to the fossil fuels and prototype of hydrogen-driven cars had also been developed in some of the countries but the project was not yet ready for commercial production.

The IEEE India Council former chairman, Hasmukh Shah, said some countries had also developed carbon quoting to be applied on the magnesium-based alloy containers to minimise the chances of explosion in the event of collision, but its road-worthiness was yet to be tested. Dr.Grewal said India and the world would have to turn to hydrogen,which was the cleanest green fuel devoid of any pollution.

Excerpt from “Water-propelled cars may run on Indian roads” by Manas Dasgupta, The Hindu, Madurai, Sep.29, 2008.

Grateful thanks to Manas Dasgupta and The Hindu.

S&T Watch-29: "Water-propelled cars"

It may not be long before cars will be running on the Indian roads literally on water! Sounds amazing, but the senior researcher of the central government’s Energy Resources Development Agency (ERDA), Vadodara, G.S. Grewal, believes that it could become a reality in a maximum of two decades or even earlier.

The ERDA has already developed techniques for using hydrogen gas, available in abundance from water, as fuel to run cars and other uses to meet the world’s energy crisis likely to arise from the diminishing fossil fuels. Based on the indigenous technology, the system developed by the ERDA for the generation of hydrogen gas would cost just about Rs.three per kilo watt per hour as against Rs.9.3 required for the creation from diesel.

Dr.Grewal said the technology to use hydrogen as fuel for static installations had been fully developed and the ERDA was ready for commercial production,but the technology for using it in moving vehicles could still take some time in developing suitable containers to store gas. Pointing out that storing hydrogen in gaseous or liquid forms would be unviable, he said the ERDA had developed a magnesium-based alloy to use as hydrogen container in solid state,but was yet find an answer to the problem if explosion in the event of even a minor collision in which the hydrogen cylinder could explode like a lethal bomb destroying everything in the range of 200 to 500 meters.

Similar researches was going on the world-over to use hydrogen as an alternative to the fossil fuels and prototype of hydrogen-driven cars had also been developed in some of the countries but the project was not yet ready for commercial production.

The IEEE India Council former chairman, Hasmukh Shah, said some countries had also developed carbon quoting to be applied on the magnesium-based alloy containers to minimise the chances of explosion in the event of collision, but its road-worthiness was yet to be tested. Dr.Grewal said India and the world would have to turn to hydrogen,which was the cleanest green fuel devoid of any pollution.

Excerpt from “Water-propelled cars may run on Indian roads” by Manas Dasgupta, The Hindu, Madurai, Sep.29, 2008.

Grateful thanks to Manas Dasgupta and The Hindu.

Letters-41: "Another Blast"

1. Once again the terrorists have struck. If our leaders are helpless and clueless, they should quit honourably. Mere sermonising will not do. And the declaration that the existing laws are enough to tackle terrorism is no longer convincing. – K.R.A.Narasiah, Chennai.

2. I suppose it is time the Prime Minister realised that there are much more important things to do other than signing the nuclear deal with the U.S. When government is unable to secure even the Capital, how can it protect the rest of India? Every bomb blast is a slap in the government’s face. – Divya Velayudhan, Palakkad.

Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, Sep.29, 2008.

Grateful thanks to Mr.K.R.A.Narasiah, Ms Divya Velayudhan and The Hindu.

Letters-41: "Another Blast"

1. Once again the terrorists have struck. If our leaders are helpless and clueless, they should quit honourably. Mere sermonising will not do. And the declaration that the existing laws are enough to tackle terrorism is no longer convincing. – K.R.A.Narasiah, Chennai.

2. I suppose it is time the Prime Minister realised that there are much more important things to do other than signing the nuclear deal with the U.S. When government is unable to secure even the Capital, how can it protect the rest of India? Every bomb blast is a slap in the government’s face. – Divya Velayudhan, Palakkad.

Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, Sep.29, 2008.

Grateful thanks to Mr.K.R.A.Narasiah, Ms Divya Velayudhan and The Hindu.

என் கவிதை-4: "விழித்தெழுவாய்!"

நீ உறங்கினால்
என் வாழ்க்கை
உன் உதவியின்றி
உறங்கியது போதும்,
இது என்

Eyecatchers-108: "Apple Sells Unlocked iPhones"

Apple has started selling unlocked models of its popular iPhone 3G in Hong Kong which allow users the freedom to select the telecom provider of their choice.

Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, September 28, 2008

Detailed Wikipedia article on “iPhone”:

Grateful thanks to The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

என் கவிதை-4: "விழித்தெழுவாய்!"

நீ உறங்கினால்
என் வாழ்க்கை
உன் உதவியின்றி
உறங்கியது போதும்,
இது என்

Health News-17: "World Heart Day 2008"

Statistics released on the occasion of the World Heart Day 2008 (September 28th) are frightening. One should take it as a warning signal and take due care of oneself.

* 1.5 billion people or nearly one in three adults over the age of 25, will have high blood pressure, one of the biggest single risk factors for Carrdio Vascular Disease(CVD), the world’s number one killer.

* High blood pressure and CVD are increasing in prevalence, including among the young, and need immediate action and attention.

* World Heart Day, a major heart health awareness campaign now in its ninth year, is run by the World Heart Federation’s member organizations in over 100 countries.

* World Heart Day activities include health checks, organised walks, runs and fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals and sports tournaments.

* Cardio vascular diseases have been projected to cause 4.6 million deaths annually in India by the year 2020.

* High blood pressure (Hypertension: >140/90 mmHg) is directly responsible for 57% of all stroke deaths and 24% of all coronary disease deaths in India at an underestimate, there are 31.5 million hypertensives in rural and 34 million in urban populations.

* In the treatment of heart disease alone, non-compliance with drug regimens and inability to change lifestyle is believed to cause as many as 1,25,000 avoidable deaths.

Excerpts from “Know Your Risk of CVD” by Dr.R.Sivakumar, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiologist, Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre, Madurai in The Hindu, Madurai of September 28, 2008.

Wikipedia article on “CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE”:

Grateful thanks to Dr.Sivakumar,The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Mobile World-15: "Apple Sells Unlocked iPhones"

Apple has started selling unlocked models of its popular iPhone 3G in Hong Kong which allow users the freedom to select the telecom provider of their choice.
Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, September 28, 2008.
Grateful thanks to The Hindu.

Facts & Figures-49: "World Heart Day 2008"

Statistics released on the occasion of the World Heart Day 2008 (September 28th) are frightening. One should take it as a warning signal and take due care of oneself.

* 1.5 billion people or nearly one in three adults over the age of 25, will have high blood pressure, one of the biggest single risk factors for Carrdio Vascular Disease(CVD), the world’s number one killer.

* High blood pressure and CVD are increasing in prevalence, including among the young, and need immediate action and attention.

* World Heart Day, a major heart health awareness campaign now in its ninth year, is run by the World Heart Federation’s member organizations in over 100 countries.

* World Heart Day activities include health checks, organised walks, runs and fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals and sports tournaments.

* Cardio vascular diseases have been projected to cause 4.6 million deaths annually in India by the year 2020.

* High blood pressure (Hypertension: >140/90 mmHg) is directly responsible for 57% of all stroke deaths and 24% of all coronary disease deaths in India at an underestimate, there are 31.5 million hypertensives in rural and 34 million in urban populations.

* In the treatment of heart disease alone, non-compliance with drug regimens and inability to change lifestyle is believed to cause as many as 1,25,000 avoidable deaths.

Excerpts from “Know Your Risk of CVD” by Dr.R.Sivakumar, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiologist, Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre, Madurai in The Hindu, Madurai of September 28, 2008.

Wikipedia article on “CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE”:

Grateful thanks to Dr.Sivakumar,The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Facts & Figures-49: "World Heart Day 2008"

Statistics released on the occasion of the World Heart Day 2008 (September 28th) are frightening. One should take it as a warning signal and take due care of oneself.

* 1.5 billion people or nearly one in three adults over the age of 25, will have high blood pressure, one of the biggest single risk factors for Carrdio Vascular Disease(CVD), the world’s number one killer.

* High blood pressure and CVD are increasing in prevalence, including among the young, and need immediate action and attention.

* World Heart Day, a major heart health awareness campaign now in its ninth year, is run by the World Heart Federation’s member organizations in over 100 countries.

* World Heart Day activities include health checks, organised walks, runs and fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals and sports tournaments.

* Cardio vascular diseases have been projected to cause 4.6 million deaths annually in India by the year 2020.

* High blood pressure (Hypertension: >140/90 mmHg) is directly responsible for 57% of all stroke deaths and 24% of all coronary disease deaths in India at an underestimate, there are 31.5 million hypertensives in rural and 34 million in urban populations.

* In the treatment of heart disease alone, non-compliance with drug regimens and inability to change lifestyle is believed to cause as many as 1,25,000 avoidable deaths.

Excerpts from “Know Your Risk of CVD” by Dr.R.Sivakumar, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiologist, Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre, Madurai in The Hindu, Madurai of September 28, 2008.

Wikipedia article on “CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE”:

Grateful thanks to Dr.Sivakumar,The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

How To-82: "How to Cure a Cold Without Medicine"

How to Cure a Cold Without Medicine
from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

One of the most helpful cold remedies is Vitamin C!


  1. Take vitamin C tablets or eat citrus fruit regularly
  2. Get extra vitamin C when cold symptoms appear
  3. Remember to get plenty of natural vitamins in addition to any pills taken
  4. Although not proven, try eating chicken noodle soup lessening the affects of a cold
  5. You can also gargle some salt water to reduce mucous from the throat.
  6. Another remedy is by taking a warm bath, the steam from the bath will thin out the mucous and temporarily stop coughing.
  7. Drinking fluids will help relieve a cold sooner, so be sure to stay hydrated.
  8. Honey disolved in tea will help to soothe a sore throat
  9. Take the day off: sleep is the fastest way to get over a cold
  10. Breathe in steam to get rid of a plugged nose
  11. Take Umcka to shorten the duration of the cold. Google it if you don’t know what it is.


  • Drinking a cup of orange juice every morning is an easy way to get Vitamin C!
  • Eating healthy and excersising can decrease your risk of getting sick.
  • try putting something hot over your head and have tea in steamy water.
  • Make sure to get a good amount of sleep because that will help your body to fight off the infection.


  • Be sure not to overdose on Vitamin C!
  • Medicine can sometimes be needed, so be sure to see a doctor if symptoms persist or if you feel really sick.
  • dont eat junk food when sick it will make it wose

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world’s largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Cure a Cold Without Medicine. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How To-81: "How to Treat a Black Eye"

How to Treat a Black Eye

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Black eyes can be embarrassing and nasty, not to mention painful. However, there is something you can do to minimize the pain you experience, the length of time you have your black eye as well as the size and color of it.


  1. Apply ice as soon as you are injured. Your black eye is a bruise, and, like all bruises, it is caused by a build-up of blood underneath the skin that forms after tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, are damaged. Cold temperatures cause these vessels to contract slightly, restricting the amount of blood that is released.
  2. Remove the ice after fifteen minutes. Extreme cold isn’t good for your skin or muscles, and keeping the ice on for too long, especially in a delicate area such as your face, can cause further damage.
  3. Reapply the ice after you have given your eye fifteen minutes to rest.
  4. Repeat steps two and three for as long as possible. Don’t be afraid to restart the “ice cycle” later on, even a few days after you were injured. Ice will help you heal faster, as well as numbing the pain.


  • Be prepared for questions. People may think that you got into a fight or were a victim of domestic abuse. Understand that curiosity is human nature, and, if you are embarrassed about how you got hurt (say, you don’t want your new boss to know that you tripped and hit your face on the corner of a table),lie.


  • If you have double vision, or your sight has become fuzzy or unclear, this indicates a more serious injury needing medical assistance.
  • If you have suffered physical abuse or assault or were injured due to another party’s negligence, contact the police or a lawyer. Someone has committed a crime, and it is your responsibility to both aid the legal process and ensure your own safety.

Things You’ll Need

  • Icepack or Small Bag of Ice

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கேள்வியும் பதிலும்-15:

உங்களிடம் அமுதசுரபி கிடைத்தால் என்ன செய்வீர்கள்?
அதிலிருந்து முதலில் ஒரு கிள்ளட்டினும், உன்னதமான தலைவனும் வரவேண்டுமென்று வேண்டிகொள்வேன். இரண்டும் கிடைத்துவிட்டால், அந்தத் தலைவனின் ஒரு கையில் கிள்ளட்டினையும், மறுகையில் அமுதசுரபியையும் கொடுத்துவிட்டு ஒதுங்கிக்கொள்வேன்; ஆட்டோமாட்டிக்காக இந்தியா உருப்பட்டுவிடும்.

நன்றி: “இளசிடம் ஒரு கேள்வி”, தமிழன் எக்ஸ்பிரஸ், மே 1, 2002.

இன்றைய சிந்தனைக்கு-20:

ஞானி எதையும் தனக்குள்ளே தேடுகிறார். பைத்தியக்காரர் எல்லாவற்றையும் பிறரிடமிருந்து எதிர்பார்க்கிறார். – லியோ டால்ஸ்டாய்

நலக்குறிப்புகள்-11: "மூட்டுவலிக்கு…"

நாற்பது வயதைக் கடந்தாலேயே மூட்டுவலி படுத்தத் தொடங்கிவிடும். எளிய கை வைத்தியம் இதோ! பாகற்காய் விதைகளைக் காயவைத்து, மையாக அரைத்து, முழங்காலில் பற்றுப்போட்டல் வலி வெகுவாகக் குறையும்.

நன்றி: பி.சந்திரிகா, வேலூர், குமுதம் சிநேகிதி, அக்டோபர் 2002.

கேள்வியும் பதிலும்-15:

உங்களிடம் அமுதசுரபி கிடைத்தால் என்ன செய்வீர்கள்?
அதிலிருந்து முதலில் ஒரு கிள்ளட்டினும், உன்னதமான தலைவனும் வரவேண்டுமென்று வேண்டிகொள்வேன். இரண்டும் கிடைத்துவிட்டால், அந்தத் தலைவனின் ஒரு கையில் கிள்ளட்டினையும், மறுகையில் அமுதசுரபியையும் கொடுத்துவிட்டு ஒதுங்கிக்கொள்வேன்; ஆட்டோமாட்டிக்காக இந்தியா உருப்பட்டுவிடும்.

நன்றி: “இளசிடம் ஒரு கேள்வி”, தமிழன் எக்ஸ்பிரஸ், மே 1, 2002.

இன்றைய சிந்தனைக்கு-20:

ஞானி எதையும் தனக்குள்ளே தேடுகிறார். பைத்தியக்காரர் எல்லாவற்றையும் பிறரிடமிருந்து எதிர்பார்க்கிறார். – லியோ டால்ஸ்டாய்

நலக்குறிப்புகள்-11: "மூட்டுவலிக்கு…"

நாற்பது வயதைக் கடந்தாலேயே மூட்டுவலி படுத்தத் தொடங்கிவிடும். எளிய கை வைத்தியம் இதோ! பாகற்காய் விதைகளைக் காயவைத்து, மையாக அரைத்து, முழங்காலில் பற்றுப்போட்டல் வலி வெகுவாகக் குறையும்.

நன்றி: பி.சந்திரிகா, வேலூர், குமுதம் சிநேகிதி, அக்டோபர் 2002.

Gems from Gandhiji-2:

To me God is Truth and Love; God is ethics and morality; God is fearlessness. God is the source of Light and Life and yet He is above and beyond all these. God is conscience. He is even the atheism of the atheist. For in His boundless love God permits the atheist to live. He is the searcher of hearts. He transcends speech and reason. He knows us and our hearts better than we do ourselves. …He is a personal God to those who need His personal presence. He is embodied to those who need His touch. He is purest essence. He simply IS to those who have faith. He is all things to all men. He is in us and yet above and beyond us. …And surely conscience is but a poor and laborious paraphrase of the simple combination of three letters called ‘GOD’.

Courtesy: ‘Truth is God’ (Gleanings from the writings of Mahatma Gandhi bearing on God, God-Realization and the Godly Way), Compiled by R.K.Prabhu, Published by Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedbad-380014.

Gems from Gandhiji-2:

To me God is Truth and Love; God is ethics and morality; God is fearlessness. God is the source of Light and Life and yet He is above and beyond all these. God is conscience. He is even the atheism of the atheist. For in His boundless love God permits the atheist to live. He is the searcher of hearts. He transcends speech and reason. He knows us and our hearts better than we do ourselves. …He is a personal God to those who need His personal presence. He is embodied to those who need His touch. He is purest essence. He simply IS to those who have faith. He is all things to all men. He is in us and yet above and beyond us. …And surely conscience is but a poor and laborious paraphrase of the simple combination of three letters called ‘GOD’.
Courtesy: ‘Truth is God’ (Gleanings from the writings of Mahatma Gandhi bearing on God, God-Realization and the Godly Way), Compiled by R.K.Prabhu, Published by Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedbad-380014.

Gems from Vedanta-9:

The Jivatman or the individual soul is the shadow of Paramatman, the Cosmic Substance.

Gems from Swami Chidbhavananda-4:

He who knows the value of time has known the secret of life.

Gems from Thirukkural-2:

That lore is vain which does not fall
At His good feet who knoweth all.
Translated by Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati

Gems from the Bhagavad Gita-12:

Action is superior to inaction. Hence perform your prescribed duties with detachment.