My Scrapbook-1: "I become a member of World Public Library"

Today is a happy and memorable day for me. I became a member of World Public Library and have started downloading books which I love. Without any planning or thought, it just happened today. Of course, I knew long back that one could become a member of World Public Library and thus get the benefit of accessing 5,00,000 books. All one has to do is pay $ 8.95. But somehow it seemed to be out of my grasp.

Today, thanks to my friends Dr.V.Sundaram, who provided his credit card and Dr.S.Malaikkani, who advanced the money, within minutes I became a member. It was so easy. For one full year, I will have the right to download whatever books I love/like from their collection.

On perusing the catalogs and collections of WPL, I found Project Madurai, which is a treasure trove of classic Tamil literature, Bhakti literature and some modern short stories and novels too. Most of the afternoon was spent in downloading selected books of my choice. I realize now compared to the wonderful opportunity to download and read some great books, the payment involved is almost nothing.

Further, there is another added attraction. Members get free access to more 20 lakh books of World eBook Fair Collection from July 4 to August 4, 2009.

So I am very happy today. I intend to spend a few hours daily at their site downloading the books of my choice. If you are a booklover like me, why don’t you also become a member of WPL?

Hope I will have matter to post in this blog more frequently now. I look forward to it.