How To-79: "How to Implement Organic Baby Care Methods"

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Are you interested in making organic choices for your baby or toddler but not sure where to begin? Making small changes to remove unnecessary toxins from your baby’s environment can have a big impact on your baby’s well-being. Here are some steps to help you ease your way into an organic lifestyle with your little one.


  1. Understand the labels. Making organic choices is simple when you know how to read the labels. Don’t be confused by fancy marketing terms such as “all natural”, “hypoallergenic” or “no growth hormones”. Organic is the only term that is regulated.
  2. Choose a product that is certified organic. This means the manufacturer has taken extra precautions to ensure the product can bear the seal of approval. In the US certified organics contain no pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers, growth hormones, food additives, fertilizers or sewage sludge.
  3. Start with your baby’s food. Choose organic milk or formula and then expand to cereal, produce and meat. This will hep you avoid genetically modified foods, growth hormones and chemical additives.
  4. Get rid of chemical-based baby skin care products. Approximately 60% of what goes on your baby’s skin is absorbed into the bloodstream within minutes. Read the labels of all lotions, shampoos and body care products. Replace products with unfamiliar chemicals for those made from food or plant based ingredients.
  5. Choose diapering products free of chlorine, fragrances and pesticides. In most cases your baby has a diaper on 24 hours a day, its . Explore the many options available in cloth diapers, flushables and chlorine-free disposables and choose the one that fits your lifestyle.
  6. Assess your baby’s sleep environment. Your baby spends a lot of time in the bed those first few months. Incorporate organic cotton, wool or bamboo materials in the selection of your baby’s crib sheet, mattress or mattress topper to prevent your baby from inhaling noxious chemicals during sleep.
  7. Do an inventory of your baby’s clothing. Remove polyester, fleece and clothing made with heavy, starchy fabric finishes. Pure cotton is a healthier alternative and organic cotton is even healthier because it is free of potentially carcinogenic pesticides. Hemp and bamboo fabrics don’t involve the use of pesticides and are also healthy alternatives.
  8. Learn about the materials that go in your baby’s mouth. Soon there will be non-toxic and organic versions of everything. What you need depends on your baby’s development stage. Baby bottles, pacifiers, teethers, toys and furniture can all be made of natural, non-toxic materials which are better for your baby.


  • Pace yourself and start with the areas that come in closest contact with your baby for the longest periods of time.Trying to make too many changes at once can be overwhelming and expensive.
  • Save more by making items from your baby’s layette. Clothing, bedding, diaper bags and toys can all be handcrafted with a little guidance and talent.


  • Introduce foods one at a time in order to identify potential allergic reactions.
  • Avoid using skin care products on babies less than six months old. Always spot test for allergic reactions.
  • The above is not intended as medical advice or to replace the information given by a health care provider.

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