S&T Watch-47: "Creating Artificial Life"

Scientists have discovered a more efficient way to build a synthetic genome that could one day enable them to create artificial life, according to a new study.

The method is already being used to help develop next generation biofuels and biochemicals in the laboratories of controversial American scientist Craig Venter.

Artificially engineered life is a Holy Grail of science, but also stirs deep fears as foreseen in Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel, Brave New World, in which natural human reproduction is eschewed in favour of babies grown in laboratories.

Excerpt from “Scientists get closer to Creating Artificial Life” in The Hindu, Madurai, December 6, 2008.

Detailed Wikipedia articles on “SYNTHETIC GENOMICS” and “SYNTHETIC LIFE”:

Grateful thanks to The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.