How To-49: "How to Start an Author Fan Club"

How to Start an Author Fan Club

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Sometimes one writer can amaze you so much you want to start a fan club for him or her. Although some, such as J.K. Rowling or C. S. Lewis, are indeed ‘stars’ and probably have fan clubs already, what if you want to start one for an author of less renown?


  1. Get together a few friends, especially those you are really close with. See if they have read the author’s books yet. If they have, great. If they haven’t, loan them yours and see if they like them.
  2. Contact your first ‘members’ and see if they’d be interested in meeting for a discussion. It doesn’t need to be many people, actually 4-6 might do for a primary fan club. If you want to aim for something fancy, get your parents to help you make laminated ‘membership cards’, make fan club t-shirts, or publish your own website/newsletter.
  3. Find a place to meet. It could merely be a room of one of the members or a local park. Anywhere where you can discuss this author’s fantastic writing style and have a snack while you pour over her/his latest book.
  4. Build a network. If you plan for something bigger, try doing blogrings (Xanga etc.) on the net. There you can meet people all around the world, and you can be joined to people by your special bond!
  5. Consider including an adult. This might be a parent, a librarian or an elderly grandmother who loves the writing as much as you do. You can get her to supervise meetings once you get more members.


  • Don’t create a fan club for authors that you craze about only for 3 seconds. Create a club for a writer you really respect and admire, because for a successful fan club, time strengthens the members’ bonds.
  • Make a logo! That way you can create a special “secret sign” that you can use.
  • Remember, fan clubs rely on communication. If your members live across the street, fine, just go over and talk or send secret messages for fun. But if they’re living really far away, the web can come in handy.


  • Make sure the ‘friends’ you meet on the net don’t know too much of you private info. If you give them a name, it’s best to do a fake one, such as Iluvjkrowling instead of Mary Smith.
  • Don’t meet your online members without your parents’ permission.
  • If these online members provoke you in any way, stop contacting them and tell someone you trust.

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